
An API boilerplate created with Symfony 4 (micro kernel) and dockerized (using docker compose version 3)

Primary LanguagePHP

Docker setup

Contains a small API boilerplate built with API platform and dockerized using docker compose version 3.

For the application setup see the README file in the app/ folder

Installation with the install wizard:

  • run the command "composer install"
  • run the command "php api install" and follow the setup
  • go the HOST/api to see the documentation of API platform.

if you are running in production you must manually migrate the database (see step 3 --> dash 2 --> dash 1)

Installation done manually:

Step 1 (in root folder)

  • change the ".env.example" file in the root to ".env"
  • modify the DB_PASS and DB_ROOT_PASS into something secure

Step 2 (in app/ folder)

  • change the "app/.env.dist" file to "app/.env"
  • modify the places where it says "#CHANGE"
    • APP_ENV (production | local | development)
    • APP_DEBUG (true | false)
    • APP_KEY (must be a 32 chars long random string)
    • DB_USERNAME (the username used in the .env of the container)
    • DB_PASSWORD (the password used in the .env of the container)

Step 3 (in root folder)

  • run the command docker-compose up -d --build
    • it can take up to 5 or 10 minutes
  • run the command docker exec -it api_workspace bash to ssh into the workspace container
    • run the command bin/console doctrine:database:create to create the database
    • run the command bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate to migrate the tables
      • If you go to{PORT} -> login -> insert a new user with an api key

Your containers are now ready and the mysql database can be handled with adminer. The application is available on the host{PORT} and adminer on{PORT}


  • run the command "php api update"
    • the environment will be determined by the APP_ENV value in your "app/.env" file
      • for production updates, migrations must be done manually


  • The mysql data and configuration is saved in the ./mysql folder
  • The logs are saved in the ./logs folder

Common problems

  • CSS not loading
    • Execute docker exec api_workspace bin/console assets:install
  • Migrations could not be executed due to wrong database credentials
    • Execute "Step 1" steps in manual installation
    • Execute "Step 2" steps in manual installation
    • Execute docker exec api_workspace bin/console --no-interaction doctrine:migrations:migrate
  • Generic error
    • Execute steps 1, 2 and 3