
Simple Lumen API Skeleton, for quick and easy API setup

Primary LanguagePHP

LumenDingo API Skeleton

Simple Lumen API Skeleton, for quick and easy API setup


Where to create an endpoint

  • Endpoints are defined in app/Api/Endpoints
  • Example endpoints are available: resources.php and users.php

For an endpoint to be available and read by Lumen you need to do the following

The available factory will then automatically determine which endpoint service is needed by its binded name

  • Add the endpoint in the bootstrap/app.php file as a binded object in the container
  • Add the route in the routes/web.php file

One central point of location

The app/Api/Http/Controllers/Api/IndexController is the main handler for incoming requests. It will determine the endpoint requested, the available query parameters and then execute the required binded endpoint.