
A place to put down your eBike battery. If you have the same battery I have ...

Fits my battery with a label that reads "Joycube JCEB360-11-S" used on my Momas F2 fatbike with a Bafang 400 electrical engine.

Final version with two batteries


  • Joycube_JCEB360-11-S.f3d
  • Joycube_JCEB360-11-S_prototype.3mf <- Prototype. Sharp edges. 21 mm down to from top to bottom part
  • Joycube_JCEB360-11-S_x2.3mf <- v1. Round edges. 19 mm down from top to bottom part


It takes up more room laying down, and it's a bit awkward to balance it standing up.


Did some measures and plopped them into Autodesk Fusion 360.


The first prototype I printed fit the battery very well, and was stable.

The first version I printed with better quality with some "improvements" to easier put the battery down have too much leeway, and the battery tips slightly forward. I think this could be fixed by having 1-3 mm more material at the lowermost part of the hole. I have added 2 mm more there in the models, but I haven't tried to print it myself yet after that change.



Closeup of the bottom part of the battery Closeup of the bottom part of the battery 2


Closeup of the bottom part of the battery 2

Perfect fit!

First version

First print with proper quality, doubled up for space for two batteries

Rounded edges, and sier to put the battery down

Showing battery fit into first proper print

Battery is sadly leaning slightly forward. I think this should be fixed in the uploaded models, but haven't printed them myself.