
This application is built based on the Tinder Application with new features. This project is for Education only.

Design Pattern

MVVM + Reactice Programming + Data Binding.

Frameworks (UIKit)

  • UITableViewController, UIPageViewController, UIViewController
  • Advanced layouts with UIImageView, UISlider, UIButton, UITextField, UIStackView, AutoLayout, UIVisual Effect and more
  • Animations with UIViewAnimation, CABasicAnimation, Keyframes animation
  • Third Party Library

  • Firebase
  • JGProgressHUD
  • SDWebImage
  • Implementation

  • Applied Linked List data structure to develop and keep track of the collection of users. More importantly, it can handle swiping function for the next user effectively.
  • Firebase is used to store and extract user's information.
  • Other Techniques

  • JSON parsing with Data Pagination to load chunk of user's data by using Firebase APIs.
  • Keyboard Management.


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