
Debug advice?

WeihongM opened this issue · 7 comments

Hello, @HobbitLong
Thanks for the package project. Can you give me some advice when debugging the intermediate output which can help me understand better. DDP seems hard to add breakpoint.

I don't know about better advice, but maybe you can try to print out the intermediate results, and run some unity test.

Ok, thanks four your reply.

Hello, @HobbitLong
I met some problem when training custom dataset.
I use MNIST dataset as a toy example. The accuracy of contrast Learning quickly reach 100% in just 5 epoch. However, when I start to use linear trainer, the loss is so large, and the Top-1 accuracy is just 11%.
Can you explain why this happen?
Also hope you can give a toy example on smaller dataset (cifar-10), Imagenet dataset is too large for me.

@WeihongM, would tuning the learning rate of linear classifier work?

Adding a toy example of CIFAR is a good suggestion, and I will consider it!

I recently train again using cifar-10 dataset, the best line evaluation performance is only 67% (The model of MOCO is used in my experiment, and the encoder is renet18). However, the performane in SimCLR on cifar-10 can achieve a linear evaluation accuracy of 94.0%. Actually, this phenomenon is the same with the CMC issue CMC cifar10 issue.
Can you share the performance you reach when train on cifar-10 dataset? Maybe there are some parameters to adjust, and self-supervised learning not work in every scenes?

I can reach above 93% on Cifar-10 with SimCLR, see another repo here

I think you need to tune the parameters of MoCo for CIFAR-10. But 67% is way too low

@HobbitLong Glad to receive your reply, we seem to have a time difference of 12 hours.
I will check it in your project.
I found that self-supervised learning takes more time in parameter adjustment, and contrastive learning does not necessarily achieve better results in all dataset than direct supervised learning training. Do you agree with me?