- 2
Configs issues about "Res5ROIHeadsExtraNorm"
#40 opened by Kevinz-code - 1
- 1
Where is the code for view learning?
#37 opened by kevinbro96 - 0
loss not changing
#39 opened by hongjianyuan - 0
Where is the code for view learning?
#35 opened by kevinbro96 - 1
- 1
Pixel Mean and Std calculation
#31 opened by ngowilliam1 - 28
- 1
How to structure dataset?
#25 opened by GiuseppePennisi - 0
model accuracies?
#30 opened by asanakoy - 0
- 0
How to use MOCO for a segmentation task?
#27 opened by NeuZhangQiang - 1
Still update the paper list?
#24 opened by jizongFox - 1
Question about Jigsaw?
#21 opened by mathfinder - 3
- 10
The relationship between contrastive accuracy and linear evaluation performance?
#8 opened by WeihongM - 1
module '__main__' has no attribute '__spec__'
#19 opened by ciaobladoo - 2
classifier weights for pre-trained models
#17 opened by kantharajucn - 1
How to run with a single GPU?
#14 opened by HymEric - 3
Can you repeat moco_v2 800epoch results(71.1) with multi-nodes(8 nodes, each nodes with 8 gpus)
#11 opened by haohang96 - 1
Does any paper construct the contrast pair between the shallow features and the deep features?
#9 opened by joe1chief - 2
Why shuffle BN in local group?
#10 opened by jp7c5 - 6
How much gain can Jigsaw bring?
#7 opened by lihao0374 - 7
Debug advice?
#6 opened by WeihongM - 1
The Toy Example
#5 opened by lclkent - 2
License request
#4 opened by jp7c5 - 2
Proposition A.1
#2 opened by liun-online - 1