
Command-line programs to make writing surfraw elvi easier

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


surfraw-tools is a suite of command-line tools to generate surfraw elvi easily.

Hosted on GitHub.

Documentation is hosted on GitHub Pages.

The following are currently provided:

  • mkelvis: generate an elvis
  • opensearch2elvis: generate an elvis for an OpenSearch-enabled website


surfraw-tools is available on PyPI. Use pipx. It's available in many distro repositories.

pipx install surfraw-tools

See INSTALL.md for more details.


Generate a simple elvis

# these two are equivalent: https is the default url scheme
mkelvis yourelvisname example.com 'example.com/search?q='
mkelvis yourelvisname https://example.com 'https://example.com/search?q='

# use http for insecure websites
mkelvis yourelvisname --insecure example.com 'example.com/search?q='
mkelvis yourelvisname http://example.com 'http://example.com/search?q='

# with a description
mkelvis yourelvisname --description='Search Example for bliks' https://example.com 'https://example.com/search?q='

# to align in `sr-elvi`
mkelvis yourelvisname --num-tabs=NUM https://example.com 'https://example.com/search?q='

Leave the q URL parameter with an empty value because the search terms will be appended to it when yourelvisname runs. The first URL is where the elvis takes you when no search terms have been passed.

Create an elvis for an OpenSearch-enabled website

# find and download the OpenSearch description file, and then generate
opensearch2elvis yourelvisname https://example.com  # any HTML page under the domain should work

# download an OpenSearch description file and then generate
opensearch2elvis yourelvisname https://example.com/opensearch.xml

# generate from a local OpenSearch description file
opensearch2elvis yourelvisname opensearch.xml

The created elvis will be placed in the current directory with the name yourelvisname, and ready for installation (made executable, shebang added).

See the advanced usage docs for more.


The generated elvi include tab-completion code using the system of elvi-specific completions set for release in the new version of Surfraw. Wait for the new release, or build surfraw from master to use it.

If you don't want to use the completions, use the --no-completions option. This isn't needed though: the elvi still work but there might be a few error messages.

Also, opensearch2elvis only has minimal support for websites that specify POST method searches. Currently, it just treats them as if they specified GET and hopes for the best. I plan to support this.

Features (mkelvis)

  • allows * characters in queries without spewing out contents of directories from globbing
  • usable, automatically-generated --local-help and -elvi output
    • with control over some aspects of formatting
  • readable output elvi with explanatory comments and templates
  • elvi-specific tab-completions (NOTE: uses unreleased features of surfraw)
  • easy-to-generate options, with types for different uses
  • shortcuts to generate common surfraw options: -result=NUM and -language=ISOCODE
  • declarative option syntax with access to the shell for some options
    • the topic variable ($it) is available for some options
    • map surfraw-option values to url parameters
    • "inline" surfraw-option values to search query keywords
    • mutate variables in shell case-statements

See the reference and advanced usage docs for more.


Set up a development environment

python3 -m venv env
. env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
pip install -e .

Also ensure that you have GNU Make and (Universal) Ctags. On Debian, Ubuntu, and their derivatives:

sudo apt install make universal-ctags

Before submitting a pull request

make -k format check-dev

Make sure that no new errors were introduced after your changes.


This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (sic) and follows the REUSE licencing guidelines. Some auxiliary files have a different licence. Check their file headers or .reuse/dep5 for details. Copies of the licences used in this project can be located in the LICENSES/ directory, per the REUSE guidelines.

Written by Gabriel Lisaca -- gabriel.lisaca (replace me with at) gmail dot com