
a simple nike website using VueJs3 && Tailwindcss

Primary LanguageVue

# Nike Shoe Store Website

This is a Nike shoe store website built with Vue.js and Tailwind CSS. The website is fully responsive and has a clean, modern design.

## Getting Started

To get started, clone the repository and install the dependencies:

git clone https://github.com/your-username/nike-shoe-store.git cd nike-shoe-store npm install

## Development

To start the development server, run:

npm run dev

The development server will run on port 3000. You can open the website in your browser by visiting http://localhost:3000.

## Building

To build the website for production, run:

npm run build

The production build will be created in the `dist` directory.

## Deployment

To deploy the website, you can use a hosting provider such as Netlify or Heroku.

## Code Structure

The codebase is structured as follows:

* `index.html`: The main HTML file of the website.
* `package.json`: The package.json file contains the project's dependencies and scripts.
* `src/`: The source code of the website.
* `tailwind.config.js`: The Tailwind CSS configuration file.

## Components

The website uses the following components:

* `App.vue`: The root component of the website.
* `Nav.vue`: The navigation bar component.
* `Hero.vue`: The hero section component.
* `Services.vue`: The services section component.
* `SpecialOffers.vue`: The special offers section component.
* `CustomerReviews.vue`: The customer reviews section component.
* `Subscribe.vue`: The subscribe section component.
* `Footer.vue`: The footer component.

## Styles

The website uses Tailwind CSS for styling. The Tailwind CSS configuration file is located at `tailwind.config.js`.

## Conclusion

This Nike shoe store website is a great example of how to use Vue.js and Tailwind CSS to create a clean, modern website. The website is fully responsive and easy to use.