API and Backoffice for taxis' operators and local authorities.
Python 2.7
(for the database migration)Pip
(other databases might work)libspatialindex-dev
: To queue asynchronous tasksInfluxDB
: To store views of the taxis activity
We also recommend the use of virtualenv
## Initialization ##
Simply run pip install -r requirements.txt
to install python dependencies
A database has to be created for this project.
The default settings file default_settings.py
should then be
edited accordingly (SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI field) and renamed dev_settings.py
In order to populate the database with the tables and default data, run:
APITAXI_CONFIG_FILE=APITaxi/dev_settings.py PYTHON_PATH=. manage.py db upgrade head
To initialize this database you need to run this command: `APITAXI_CONFIG_FILE=APITaxi/dev_settings.py PYTHON_PATH=. manage.py create_influx_db
Just run this command
APITAXI_CONFIG_FILE=APITaxi/dev_settings.py PYTHON_PATH=. manage.py create_admin your_email@your_domain.com
type a password.
APITAXI_CONFIG_FILE=APITaxi/dev_settings.py PYTHON_PATH=. manage.py runserver
you can then access:
- the backoffice here:
- and the API doc here:
A wsgi file is also provided if a webserver is required (Apache has been tested, Nginx should work).
There are two unix services to install & run to store taxis' activity, one sending beats, another waiting for beats and interpreting them. This worker will also be able to run asynchronous tasks.
To install these services you need to copy:
- scripts/celeryd in /etc/init.d/taxis_worker
- scripts/celerybeat in /etc/init.d/activity_beat
Then you need to edit scripts/example/conf to stick with your configuration (you might need to create a celery user). Copy this file in:
- /etc/default/taxis_worker
- /etc/default/activity_beat
Now you should be able to run services with:
- service taxis_worker start
- service activity_beat start