
Plugin Swag Voucher Funding for Shopware 6

Primary LanguagePHP



Version Requirements
0.0.1 Shopware 6.1 >=


Portal & Plugin Voucher

1. Clone git Repositories

git clone https://github.com/shopware/portal

cd portal/custom/

mkdir plugins 

cd plugins

git clone https://github.com/sw-tgs/SwagVoucherFunding

2. Build Portal:

# Back to portal directory
cd ../../

# Install dependencies
composer install

# (with option 1.dev, http://portal.test, database config..)
bin/console system:setup 

bin/console system:install --create-database --basic-setup

# If you're using valet
valet link portal.test

3. Build Plugin

bin/console plugin:refresh

bin/console plugin:install --activate --clearCache SwagVoucherFunding

Now you can check the plugin is successfully installed

bin/console plugin:list

Run plugin migration

# From portal directory

# Migrate
./bin/console database:migrate --all  SwagVoucherFunding


Wiki: https://github.com/sw-tgs/SwagVoucherFunding/wiki Or https://github.com/shopware/portal/wiki/voucherFunding

DB Diagram: https://dbdiagram.io/d/5e7cdec74495b02c3b88d20c