
With the function get_next_line you can read a file line by line.

Primary LanguageC


With the function get_next_line you can read a file line by line. The difficulties of the project:

  • First you are not allowed to use any predefined functions but read, malloc and free.
  • You should always read BUFFERSIZE chars. BUFFERSIZE is a value the user can choose. The function has to work with any BUFFERSIZE larger than 0.
    • This creates the problem that you often read more characters then you need. So you have to save the rest and use it in the next call of your function.
  • You are not allowed to simply read the whole file, but piecewise using the BUFFERSIZE.
  • The function read doesn't stop reading at EOF (End of File), instead it always reads the fixed chunk of BUFFERSIZE chars.


The following bonus requirements are fullfilled:

  • You are only allowed to use one static variable for the implementation.
  • The function has to work with multiple file descriptors.