
Script to restart uaseco with a cronjob if the system is crashed

Primary LanguageShell


Script to restart uaseco with a cronjob if the system is crashed

  1. Replace the uaseco.sh with the with the original file.
  2. Put the restart.sh file in the uaseco-directory
  3. chmod +x uaseco.sh AND chmod +x restart.sh
  4. Run the restart.sh-file via cronjob with the user, that runs normaly uaseco

*/5 * * * * GameServerUser /home/Path/to/TM2/uaseco/ && ./restart.sh

WARNING: webrequest.sh must be started manually!


Several uaseco systems can run on one server. In this case webrequest.sh only needs to be started once. If only one uaseco is running on a server, you can simply activate the line for webrequest in the script.

What does the script do?

It checks via CronJob every X minutes if the uaseco process is still present. If so, the script does nothing and terminates again. If not, the script restarts uaseco and then terminates.

Need the script for XAseco?
