
Path Consistency Learning in Pytorch

Primary LanguagePython

Whats this

This is a very simple implementation for Path Consistency Learning (PCL). It currently only supports environments with a discrete action space and very simple environments.


First install the requirements

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

To run training on the CartPole environment:

$ python main.py

This logs the loss, reward and average sequence length to tensorboard, which can be viewed with

$ tensorboard --logdir=runs

Currently the implementation depends on initialization a lot, so you might need a few runs to get good results.


A very simple model for the cartpole environment is provided under res/models/cart_pole.

You can see it acting by running:

$ python test_model.py

Reward over time Gym Cart Pole


  • Add unified PCL
  • Test on more complex environments
  • Use epsilon-greedy strategy in the beginning to force exploration
  • Implement prioritized replay buffer as described in the paper
  • Test how expert trajectories improve convergence speed