Run and finetune pretrained Onnx models in the browser with GPU support via the wonderful Tensorflow.js library.
You can use this as standalone es5 bundle like this:
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Then, loading model is a simple as referencing the path to the model.onnx
Here is an example of loading SqueezeNet:
var modelUrl = 'models/squeezenet/model.onnx';
// Initialize the tf.model
var model = new onnx.loadModel(modelUrl);
// Now use tf.model
const pixels = tf.fromPixels(img);
const predictions = model.predict(pixels);
To run the demo, use the following:
npm run build
# Start a webserver
npm run start
Now navigate to http://localhost:8080/demos.
Hint: some of the models are quite big (>30MB). You have to download the Onnx models and place them into the
directory to save bandwith.
npm install
To build a standalone bundle run
npm run build