Simple package to manage clock in your projects.
How to use
Install it as npm dependence
npm install simple-clock
Possibles configurations
Setting simple parameters
Call the getTime function to get clock time value with a type of a result. Types arguments which are possible are :
- h : to get hour
- min : to get minute
- s : to get seconds
- ms : to get Milliseconds
- toMilli : to convert time format to millis
- d : to get day
- m : to get month
- y : to get year
- full : to get full date with format : h:m:s-d/m/y
var fullTime = require("./index.js").getTime("h");
var fullTime = require("./index.js").getTime("min");
var fullTime = require("./index.js").getTime("toMilli");
var fullTime = require("./index.js").getTime("full");
Combine parameters
You can combine multiples parameters to format your result and get what you want For example, you can get time by combine hour, minute and second like: h:min:s or h/min/s
You can get full data by doing : "h:min:s-d/m/y" or "h/min/s-d-m-y" or ...
NB: only these separators are available
":" : only to separate arguments, but not group, for example, we can do "h:min:s-d/m/y" but not "h:min:s:d/m/y"
"/" : only to separate arguments, but not group, for example, we can do "h:min:s-d/m/y" but not "h:min:s/d/m/y"
"-" : when use to separate arguments, it can't been use to separate group of arguments, for example, we can do
"h-min-s d/m/y" but not "h-min-s-d/m/y"
espace(" ") : only to separate group of arguments, for example, we can do "h:min:s d/m/y" but not "h min s-d/m/y"
Enjoy it !