
A project implemented at Summer Practice: subset of C -> ASM compiler. Parser - ANTLR 4, Python logic

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Optimizing Compiler for a C subset

A project implemented at Summer Practice: subset of C -> Netwide Assembler (NASM) compiler. Parser - ANTLR 4, Python 3 logic. The target machine is 32-bit.

The C subset includes:

  • integer variable declaration
  • assignment
  • simple arithmetic operations ( +, -, *, /, parentheses )
  • while loops (only with <, >, <=, >=, ==, != operators)

The optimization is register allocation by graph colouring described in 'Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation' by Steven Muchnick

How does it work

  • First, the soure code is parsed with ANTLR 4 grammar contained in C.g4 file (and in structure.g4 as well, the only difference is that structure.g4 has no semantics, it provides only the parsing tree) into a parse tree
  • During the parsing:
    • some semantic attributes are being computed (e.g. value in LITERAL syntax rule)
    • A symbol table is being filled (a symbol table maps variable or constant name to the variable object or Python int respectively)
    • All the operations are aggregated in CParser.flow_graph's BasicBlocks (a BasicBlock is just a maximal linear segment of a flow graph)
  • After the parsing:
    • flow graph blocks are expanded to form definition-usage graph
    • then du-chains are extracted from du-graph (du-chain starts with some definition and includes all the usages of the same variable it can reach)
    • intersecting du-chains with identical symbol (variable) are joined into Webs
    • an interference graph is built over Webs (webs are adjacent only if they exist simultaneously)
    • colouring of the graph corresponds to register allocation, so we can set three of the most frequently used colours to ebx, ecx and edx registers and treat other colours as 'symbolic registers' which are just 32-bit variables
    • then the registers (real and 'symbolic' ones) are assigned to corresponding definitions, and that's the register allocation
    • the last step is printing out code snippets generated for each operation

How to use

  1. Install ANTLR4, Java and Python 3
  2. cd to the compiler directory
  3. Run gen to generate parser and lexer files
  4. Run make to compile all the .c files from test_dir\source to .asm files in test_dir\compiled
  5. If you have SASM installed, you can run open_tests to open all .asm files in set_dir\compiled in SASM (you may need to change the path to SASM in open_tests.bat)
  6. Run clean to clean up target directories


Simple arithmetics:

int const A = 10;

int main() {

    int a = 2 * (1);
    int b = 2 * a * 3;
    int c = b - 4 * a * 2 + 10;
    int d = a + b * c + a;

    return 0;

The code above is compiled into

%include "io.inc"

section .bss
__temp: resd 1

section .text
global CMAIN
	MOV ebp,	esp             ; for correct debugging

	MOV ebx,	2               ; 2 * (1) and is computed in parser
                            		; ebx is for a now

	MOV eax,	2
	IMUL ebx                  	; 2 * a

	MOV dword [__temp], 3     	; save 3 into a temporary variable
	IMUL 	dword [__temp]      	; and multiply 2 * a by 3

	MOV ecx,	eax             ; ecx is for b now

	MOV eax,	4
	IMUL ebx                  	; 4 * a

	MOV dword [__temp], 2 
	IMUL 	dword [__temp]      	; 4 * a * 2

	MOV dword [__temp], eax
	MOV eax,	ecx
	SUB eax,	dword [__temp]  ; b - 4 * a * 2

	ADD eax,	10              ; b - 4 * a * 2 + 10

	MOV edx,	eax             ; edx is for c now

	MOV eax,	ecx
	IMUL edx                  	; b * c

	MOV dword [__temp], eax
	MOV eax,	ebx
	ADD eax,	dword [__temp]  ; a + b * c

	ADD eax,	ebx             ; a + b * c + a

	MOV ebx,	eax             ; ebx is for d now since a is not used anymore

	MOV eax,	0
	RET                       	; return 0

(comments are written after the compilation just to make it more understandable)