


This project is intended to be a task tracker and organizer with a knowledge graph.


  • Learn Go
  • Improve PostgeSQL skills
  • Implement some graph ML algoritms
  • Learn knowledge base algorithms and inductive (axiomatic) inference


  • Task
  • Event
  • Possibility
  • Rule (fuzzy logic)


Task states:

* Created    (C)
* In process (I)
* Failed     (F)
* Done       (D)
* Planned    (P)
* Archived   (A)


* **Create**:      {}     -> Created
* **Edit**:         *     -> *
* **Fail**:      {I, P}   -> Failed
* **Plan**:      {C, I}   -> Planned
* **Complete**: {C, I, P} -> Done
* **Archive**:      *     -> Archive
* **Restore**:      A     -> *
* **Start**:     {C, P}   -> In process


  • Docker, Docker Compose
  • Go
    • go-kit
    • gorilla/mux
    • pgx v4
    • zap
  • PostgreSQL
    • PL/pgSQL
    • pgTAP
  • Javascript
  • Tensorflow
  • [Kotlin]

Note that the ./postgres folder and its content must be in a+rx mode in order to be sourced by psql in postgres service

Development environment

docker-compose up starts the services. Note that postgres is initialized with postgres/

docker-compose down -v shuts the services down and removes volumes

docker-compose exec postgres ash opens ash terminal in postgres container

docker-compose exec web ash opens ash terminal in web container

PostgreSQL can be accessed from your system through pgbouncer connection pooler listening on port 6432. Specify this port when using psql, PgAdmin, DataGrip, etc.

Production environment


Release v0.01

  • Basic DB
    • Task tracker
      • Task (with dependencies)
      • Resource - basically, a proxy for images, documents, etc [ ] Environment
    • Event (just as a log for now)
    • Object
  • Basic REST API
    • Task
    • Resource
    • Event
    • Object
  • Basic CLI client
    • Task
    • Resource
    • Event
    • Object
  • Basic Docker
    • PostgreSQL service
    • Go web app service
    • nginx service
    • docker-compose.yaml
  • Testing
    • Go
    • PL/pgSQL