
A handy list of tools I have used or may want to find one day in the future.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This repo is meant to serve as a collection of tools that I have come across and wish to keep track of for development. I plan on categorizing them based on language/domain of development.

Table of Contents generated with DocToc


the included gulpfile can be used to start a node app.

Required File Structure

  • modules
  • {src directory}
    • assets
    • fonts
    • sass
    • scripts
    • vendors
    • views
  • server.js


  • gulp: will build all source files and launch browsersync/nodemon in default browser.
  • gulp build: will compile and build the files for distribution.
  • gulp watch:{task}: there are watch tasks set up for styles, scripts, vendors, fonts, html, images.

Cloud Services

A Cloud Guru

  • the best colection of courses for learning AWS, google cloud, azure, etc.
  • Cost: ~$30
  • Acloud.guru



  • npm package that calculates aspect ratio from device in JS. gets pixels and spits out ratio.
  • Cost: free
  • aspectrat.io


  • A quick, painless, javascript-free baseline overlay.
  • Cost: free
  • Basehold.it

Cool Hue

  • Collection of cool gradients for web design.
  • Cost: free
  • coolhue


Type Scale

  • A web based tool for calculating scaled type for a webpage
  • Cost: free
  • type-scale.com

Development Tools


  • generates a table of contents for a readme using cli.
  • Cost: Free
  • npm


Core Java

  • The best book... has a ton of small projects. Doesn't cover modern frameworks, but good intro to language and oop.
  • Cost: $50
  • Amazon



  • will install all the dependencies in a gulpfile
  • Cost: Free
  • npm


  • global npm package that will create github node boilerplate in a directory.
  • Cost: Free
  • npm


  • will automatically restart server when it detects changes. Global npm package/gulp dependency.
  • Cost: Free
  • nodemon.io

Learning Resources

A Cloud Guru

  • Best resource for all things cloud. Great videos!
  • Cost: Per certification ~$30
  • acloud.guru

Shopify Slate

  • Slate is a theme template and CLI tool for custom Shopify themes. Included is a video tutorial on setting it up with a local dev environment.
  • Cost: Free
  • Slate, video

Team Treehouse

Machine Learning


  • A web api machine learning tool. I used it in the 2017 TCSW Hackathon.
  • Cost: depends on use. prepaid API.
  • nexosis.com


The Rails Tutorial


Hacking with Swift

  • great resource. Easy to follow, 40 total portfolio projects.
  • Cost: Free
  • Hacking with Swift