
Re-Creating PickleballBrackets.com and making it actually work

Primary LanguageVue

Pickleball Tournaments

Most all pickleball tournaments run through this. This website is terribly designed and just has things that make no sense. So we are going to re-write this website using Nuxt to build a demo of the site that looks better.


We are going to use Nuxt which means Vue.js and then using tailwind.css with other nuxt modules to use this as opportunity to dive into Nuxt. For deployments this will use Deno Deploy however the server api's will be written in node through Nuxt's server tools.

Nuxt is the premier application for devloping Vue code and I have used vite and other vue standard build projects but this is an opportunity to get experience building a more true end to end experience.

They recently have pushed updates which fix many of the issues I was wanting to fix. I may be dropping this for new project ideas