
Lesson to introduce Github, forking, cloning and synchronizing change between team members.


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  • Manage change in a project.
  • Collaborate over time and space.
  • Fork a repository.
  • Clone a repository
  • Synchronize repositories locally.
  • Synchronize repositories remotely.



Continuing in our project, Git Basics we are going to use Github to manage a project.

Each person that is working in project will be working on their own computer. They will have a local copy of the project and will be using Git to manage change. The challenge is to be able to manage change across all the local copies of a project distributed over multiple computers!

In order to do this we will create a repository on github that will be the definitive version of the project. This "repo" will live in a github account owned by the company or project team. This is the project owner's repo.

And each person/developer that would like to contribute their changes to the project will also have a github account. As we'll see we fork or copy the repo from the project owner's github account into our github account.


Forking a Repository.

Given a project repository in an account owned by the project team we will create create a copy or fork the repo.

We Do

Let's walk through Github's fork a repo page

You Do

We don't like how all the employee information is in the staff.csv files. Really, this file is a mapping between people and thier roles in a specific department.

We may have employees working in different departments and if so the employee information will be duplicated. This is a problem. We want to keep information in one place if possible. Otherwise the info or data that should be same may become different in across files.

For example, Joy Gillis is a manager in the Electrical Department but she sometime works as an associate in the Tools department.

The record for her in Electrical is: Joy Gillis,978-238-9894,joyg@example.com,manager

The record for her in Tools is: Joy A Gillis,617-987-9894,joygillis@gmail.com

The info for Joy is inconsitent because it's difficult to manage info in many places. It a big cause of errors.

  • Create a file name employes with their info and a unique id, employee id for them.

employees.csv Name, Phone, Email, ID

  • Refer to employees by their ID's in the staff.csv files.

Remember to create a branch for these changes/commits

You Do

Create a products CSV file that will hold product info. Each product will have an ID.

Refer to the product ONLY by ID in the inventory files.
