How to work with

How install project:

Before getting started, you need to download the project. With this command:

git clone
cd CalculatorWEB
dotnet build
dotnet run

How to use:

When a new user first logs into the site. He sees the calculator interface itself:

  • The calculator interface consists:

    • From multiple input fields;
    • And also from several buttons.

    alt text

  • The calculator has several functions:

    • Addition;
    • Subtraction;
    • Multiplication;
    • Division;
    • Equal;
    • Purification.

To start using the calculator, you just need to start entering the required number and also use the functions that were described above.

An example of using the calculator:



The project was developed using ASP.NET MVC technology. Using languages such as C# and JavaScript.

  1. The element has been selected to simplify markup. Which made it possible to quickly create a grid for the controls.
  2. This project used JavaScript to update data in real time. All JavaScript code is stored in js/site.js file.
  3. The AddValuesTB function allows you to enter numbers into the input field.
  4. The SelectChar function allows you to select (+, -, /, *).
  5. The ClearClick function allows you to clear input fields.
  6. The PointClick function allows you to add a sign for decimal fractions.
  7. Also, in this project, C# was used to calculate examples.
  8. C# code has been applied to HomeController. And in the Clicked event, examples are calculated.