
A small pure-c readline function for embedded devices without dependencies.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


A small readline function for embedded devices without dependencies.

  • UTF-8 compiant
  • Completion
  • VT-100, VT-52, PuTTY compatible
  • History story file
  • 1200 lines of source code

Build & Install

git clone git@github.com:Holixus/readline.git readline
cd readline
cmake .
make install

For interactive build configure use ccmake .

Configure options

OPTION(BUILD_EXAMPLES     "build examples" OFF)

set(RL_MAX_LENGTH      "1024"  CACHE STRING "maximum length of input line")
set(RL_HISTORY_HEIGHT  "32"    CACHE STRING "Height of history file")
set(RL_HISTORY_FILE    "/tmp/.rl_history" CACHE FILEPATH "Default history file")
set(RL_WINDOW_WIDTH    "80"    CACHE STRING "Default window width")
set(RL_SORT_HINTS      ON      CACHE BOOL "Sort <tab> hints list")
set(RL_USE_WRITE       ON      CACHE BOOL "Use write() instead of fwrite()")



typedef char const *(rl_get_completion_fn)(char const *start, char const *cur_pos);

void readline_init(rl_get_completion_fn *gc);

Init internal buffers and set completion function value (can be NULL).

readline free

void readline_free();

Save commands history and free internal buffers of library.


void readline_history_load(char const *file);
  • file -- a name of history file. If value is NULL will be used default history file name (/tmp/.history).

Set history file name and load it.


Start readline editor. Then finished returns pointer to char buffer contains entered text.

char *readline(char const *prompt, char const *init);
  • prompt -- a prompt string;
  • init -- initial readline buffer content.


The next functions should be used in completion function setted in readline_init call.

void rl_dump_options(char const * const *options);

Dumps sorted options list.

void rl_dump_hint(char const *fmt, ...);

Prints formatted hist.


int main(int argc, char *argv[])

	char *line;
	do {
		line = readline("ogo>", NULL);
		printf("exec '%s'\n", line);
	} while (line && *line); // exit on empty line

	return 0;