
Robotics Learning Project


This repository documents my efforts and progress in learning and developing projects in the areas of electronics, embedded systems, and robotics.

The Raspberry Pi Car

Car Image

Parts List for the Raspberry Pi Car

Part Description
Raspberry Pi 4B 8GB The main computer board
2 L298N Motor Driver Board Controls the motors of the car
4 DC Motors Provides movement for the car
4 Wheels Attached to the motors for movement
Ultrasonic Sensor Used for obstacle detection
Camera Module Captures images and video for navigation
2 LM2596 Voltage Regulator Control the voltage supply to other components
3 Micro Servos servos for camera and ultrasounic sensor rotation
Audio HAT Module and Speaker Audio output for RPI
Chassis The frame of the car that holds all the components
Jumper Wires Connects various components on the Raspberry Pi
SD Card Stores the operating system and software
Mini Power bank 5v power supply

Voice Control Movement


Ultrasonic Sensor Scanning obstacles



Demo of the feature