
The website of Hollow Moon over at hollow-moon.org.


Local development environment

Option 1: Dev Container

  1. Install Docker.

  2. Open the project with Visual Studio Code.

  3. Install the Remote - Containers extension.

  4. Use the Remote-Containers: Open Folder in Container action in Visual Studio Code to re-open the project within the development container.

  5. Install project dependencies:

    bundle install

Option 2: Manually

  1. Install Ruby. You need Ruby 2.

  2. Install project dependencies:

    bundle install

Note that this option might straight up just not work on Windows, hence the existence of Option 1.

Development server

Either within the dev container or locally, run:

bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload

If you're on Windows and / or using a dev container, you might need to also append the --force_polling flag to get the development to watch for all file changes, including Sass.

Advanced: BrowserSync with Gulp v4

Tired of a full page reload every time CSS refreshes? You can use the provided gulpfile and a little help from Node.js to use BrowserSync and have instant CSS updates during development.

Follow the setup below and then run gulp serve.

Note: If you're on Windows and / or using the dev container, you might need to also set the env variable POLL to 1 to force file updates to be polling based. To customize the polling interval you can provide a value to the POLLING_INTERVAL env variable in ms.

Set up

  1. When not using the dev container as the dev environment, install Node.js.

  2. Install the Gulp CLI:

    npm i -g gulp-cli
  3. Install the dev dependencies:

    npm i -d
  4. To run, use:

    gulp serve

Contributing new pages

New blog posts need to be created under the _posts directory as Markdown files with the following file name pattern: YYYY-MM-DD-text-here.md.

Then, the blog post also needs Jekyll front matter, which is a block starting and ending with ---. Specifically, layout: post should be specified, and a title, excerpt and date tag need to be added too. The date tag needs to be in the format of: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS +TZ.

Finally, currently the typography of the blog posts has been designed around having top level headings on each post start at Heading 3, so the top level headings need a ### prefix. (Subject to change)

Please refer to existing pages for an example.