
Send GitHub Issues, PRs or Discussions Updates to Wechat.(将 GitHub Issues, PRs 或者 Discussions 更新消息发送到微信)

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Send timed message to Wechat

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Send GitHub Issues, PRs or Discussions Updates to Wechat

Source Github Repository Link: https://github.com/HollowMan6/GitHub-Issues-to-Wechat

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Example Workflow


you can fork this repository first, and then create Actions Secrets and set related settings in your forked repository (click in the order of 1, 2 and 3 as shown in the figure below).

You can choose one or more of the following three push platforms to receive pushed messages:


First log into pushplus, and then find your token in pushplus website, create a actions secret with the name of PPTOKEN and the value of your token value, and then one-to-one push the related information results.

If you need to push the related information to multiple Wechat accounts, that is, one-to-many push, you need to create a group, write down the group code, and then create an actions secret with the name of PPTOPIC and the value of your group code.

Wecom push by Wechat

  1. First register Wecom.
  2. After successful registration, obtain the Company ID and create an actions secret with the name of CORPID and the value of your Company ID.
  3. Select App ManagementAppsCreate an app.
  4. After the creation, obtain the secret and AgentId, and create actions secret with the name of CORPSECRET and AGENTID and the value of these values respectively.
  5. Enter My CompanyWeChat Workplace, pull to the bottom and scan the QR code. After following, you can receive the push message.


If you want to use ServerChan, please create/modify the Actions secret with the Name SERVERCHANSCKEY and the value your sendkey value.


  • PPTOKEN: PushPlus Token
  • PPTOPIC: PushPlus Topic
  • CORPID: Wecom Corporation ID
  • CORPSECRET: Wecom Corporation App Secret
  • AGENTID: Wecom Corporation App Agent ID

向微信推送 GitHub Issue 消息

将 GitHub Issues, PRs 或者 Discussions 更新消息发送到微信。



Python 库依赖




你需要fork本仓库,之后在你fork的仓库中创建相关Actions Secret并进行相关设置(按下图所示点击1,2,3的次序,即可进入新建Actions secrets的界面):



登录PushPlus,然后在pushplus网站中找到您的token,创建一个Name为PPTOKEN,value为您的token值的Actions secret,就可以进行一对一推送信息。

如果需要对多个账号推送信息,即一对多推送,还需要另外新建一个群组,记下群组编码,然后创建一个Name为PPTOPIC,value为您的群组编码的Actions secret。


  1. 首先注册企业微信
  2. 注册成功后,获取企业id,创建一个Name为CORPID,value为您的企业id值的Actions secret。
  3. 选择应用管理应用创建应用
  4. 自己创建完成后获取Secret和AgentId,创建分别Name为CORPSECRETAGENTID,value为这些值的Actions secret。
  5. 进入我的企业微信插件,拉到下边扫描二维码,关注以后即可收到推送的消息。


如果要使用Server酱,请创建一个/修改Name为SERVERCHANSCKEY,value为你的SendKey值的Actions secret。


  • DELAYS: 设置发送消息时间延迟
  • PPTOKEN: PushPlus Token
  • PPTOPIC: PushPlus 群组编码
  • CORPID: Wecom Corporation ID
  • CORPSECRET: Wecom Corporation App Secret
  • AGENTID: Wecom Corporation App Agent ID