
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Manchester Codes Git-Quest

Git workflow group task.

getting started

One member of your group should fork this repository. This person should give the other members of the group write permission to the repo.

Open the repository:

  cd debug-adventure/

Install dependencies:

  npm install

Run tests:

  npm test

Make a dev branch:

  git checkout -b dev


For this challenge you will be working together to add features to a pre-existing code base. You should make a dev branch from master, and each new feature should be made on a separate branch before being merged into dev.


Add the following features to the Character prototype:

  • Characters should have a level property at their construction, unless otherwise stated it should be level 1.

  • Characters should have an baseAttack and baseDefense property at their construction. These should be 0 unless otherwise stated.

  • Characters should have a get attackTotal and get defenseTotal method. It should return the appropriate property added to the level. For example Character.attackTotal() should return baseAttack + level.


Add the following features to the Enemy prototype:

  • Enemies no longer need their damage property. They will instead base their damage on the Character.attackTotal() method. re-write the tests to account for this.

  • Enemies should have an experienceReward property. If this is not set at construction, it should be 100 by default.

  • Enemies should not be able to attack if they are dead. Add a guard clause to prevent this.


Add the following features to the Player prototype:

  • Players should have a levelUp method that increases their level by one.

  • Players should have a nextLevel proprty at creation, this should be 1000 by default.

  • Players should have a currentExperience property that is set to 0 at creation.

  • Players should now calculate the damage dealt to targets as attackTotal + weapon.damage.

  • Change the Player.attack(target) method so that a killing blow will add the target's experienceReward to the Player.currentExperience.

  • After a killing blow and experience reward, Players should check if their currentExperience is equal to or greater than their nextLevel property. If so, the levelUp() method should be called, and a new nextLevel target that is 10% larger should be set.