
Caffe reimplementation of SNNs(arXiv pre-print Link).

SeLu Layer

if x>0:
    selu(x) = lambda*x
    selu(x) = lambda*alpha*(exp(x)-1)

SeLu Dropout Layer

dropout_ratio = 1 - q
if random > dropout_ratio:
    selu_drop(x) = a*(x)+b
    selu_drop(x) = a*(alpha)+b

How to use?


layer {
  name: "SNNlayer"
  type: "SeLu"
  bottom: "conv"
  top: "conv"
  selu_param {
    alpha : xxxxx # default 1.67326324
    lambda : xxxxx # default 1.050700987

layer {
  name: "SNNDropoutlayer"
  type: "SeLuDropout"
  bottom: "conv"
  top: "conv"
  selu_dropout_param {
    alpha : xxxxx # default -1.75809934
    dropout_ratio : xxxxx # default 0.1

Edit caffe.proto

message LayerParameter {
optional SliceParameter slice_param = 126;
optional SeLuParameter selu_param = 161; # HERE !!
optional SeLuDropoutParameter selu_dropout_param = 162; # HERE !!
optional TanHParameter tanh_param = 127;

# ADD 
message SeLuParameter {
  optional float lambda = 1 [default = 1.050700987];
  optional float alpha = 2 [default = 1.67326324];

message SeLuDropoutParameter {
  optional float dropout_ratio = 1 [default = 0.1]; // dropout ratio  recommend 0.05 or 0.1
  optional float alpha = 2 [default = -1.75809934];