
A challenge for Flutter engineer applicants.

Welcome to Holmusk Mobile Engineering challenge

You are just assigned to a new (exciting) app! It's a simple chat app that let user communicate their friends via media message.


A (wild) PROJECT MANAGER appear with a set requirements and wireframes !


  • User can Login or Create account to use app features.
  • User can view and edit their profile.
  • User can refresh their profile.
  • User can see and refresh list of their friends.
  • User can see and refresh message from their friend inside a chat room.
  • User can send text and image (camera and photo library).
  • User can refresh message list.
  • User can access menu from top left button.
  • User can toggle app to dark / light mode.
  • User can logout and clear all data.



Then you turn to your watchful protector, the silent knight, the BACKEND ENGINEER to get his/her (not so) wise counsel. Alas, his/her hands are also tied with other things right now, but they can promise you these:

  • Host: com.simple.chat, scheme: https, port: 433
  • Document-type: json
  • 200 -> response success and return corresponding data
  • 400 -> bad request parameters (shame on you).
  • 401 -> sessions expired (user must re login to use the app)
  • 404 -> endpoints not found (are you lost?)
  • 500 -> Internal server errors (it's just a glitch)

Ignore how user get friends, just assume it's magically populated already.

Endpoints in BLUE means non secure endpoint.

Endpoints in GREEN means secure endpoint - token must be provided in request headers.


  • You are expected to design a skeleton app in a well structured, robust, modular and testable way.

  • This is a mock app, you can cut corner on UI layer.

Ignore the form in login and create page, a button to trigger the action will do. No need to build custom view or widget, just print it to a Text is okay. etc.

  • You are expected to test / mock all the api communication to server, so app can seamlessly integrated with live server when it's ready.

  • Fell free to use whatever (mobile) platform or libraries you are comfortable with.

Bonus point:

  • Mock a Deep link from push-notification delegate/callback feature. (payload: friendId, deep link to chatroom page)

  • Logging mechanism at development or production level.

  • Dynamic app theme.

  • Dynamic app environment (local, staging, production)

  • Live connection in chat room.

If you have questions, now it's time to shoot them before you start your journey! Message me directly @ daniel.tjuatja@holmusk.com. Or you can take initiative and improvise along the way!