
The demo source of injection_by_ptrace

Primary LanguageC

Injection By Ptrace

The demo source of injection_by_ptrace.

##Install There are two part, one is excutable file called demo1, anthor is dynamic library call libmyso.so.

  • the source of demo1
    • firstly, build the dynamic library libinso.so
      • inso.c
      • inso.h
    • secondly, the build demo1 using libinso.so
      • demo1.c
      • log.h
  • the source of libmyso.so
    • myso.cpp
    • myso.h

In the end, we get three files: demo1, libinso.so, libmyso.so.

##Usage First of all, you should build the poison. According to the following steps:

  • push poison, demo1, libinso.so, libmyso.so to /data/local/tmp/ via adb;
  • the connect to the device or emulator via adb, then cd to /data/local/tmp;
  • chmod 755 *;
  • LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./demo1&;
  • so you get the demo1' pid, we call it DEMO1_PID;
  • ./poison /data/local/tmp/libmyso.so DEMO1_PID;

That is all.