
<<<<<<< HEAD This is an android battery manager. Apm is shortfor Apm Power Manager. :)

This a dev branch of APM, you can test new features and do demo in this branch.

In order no to confuse yourself and myself, here are the instructions:

  1. Create a activity in the project of dev branch, for example, to demonstarte sliding tab feature, you create a slidingTabActivity

  2. Add new features or whatever you like in the project

  3. Add a Button in the Mainactivity, and name of the button can be bt3, bt4...

  4. Create a OnClickListener for that button, and add the method startActivity to invoke the slidingTabActivity, so that everyone can test new features in this branch without messing the MainActivity up

  5. If you like to upload a snapshot of the new feature, put it in ./ApmPowerManager/pic/, and add som instruction or explaination in this README file

a appinfoview demo at 30th May, 2015

  1. remove actitonbar by @hult1989
  2. apply a colorful theme by @hult1989
  3. wrap time consuming operation in runOnUiThread by @hult1989

a batterychart demo at 29th May, 2015

  1. add battery chart view by @pkufool
  2. change appinfoview's color to white by @pkufool
  3. apply cardview to each item in listview, add click listener to each item by @hult1989

a appinfoview demo at 28th May, 2015

  1. add battery status view by @pkufool
  2. change cardview's color to white, take a lot of time to get achartengine done by @hult1989

a appinfoview demo at 26th May, 2015

add a appinfoview with with chart. achartengine library already included

a listview demo at 24th May, 2015

something wrong with imagebutton, need someone fix it!

This is an android battery manager. Apm is shortfor Apm Power Manager. :)
