SFTP File Manager

API Documentation

How to run project:

Via Docker:

  1. Clone project from GitHub
  2. Add .env file from attachment with secret key to root folder
  3. Run in terminal: docker-compose up
  4. Go to the localhost:8000

Via OS:

  1. Clone project from GitHub

  2. Add secret key from attachment to sftp_client/settings.py at line 11

  3. Install Pipenv:

    • For Mac: brew install pipenv
    • For Linux: apt install -y pipenv
    • For Windows: pip install pipenv
  4. Run pipenv install at root folder to install project dependencies

  5. Run pipenv run python manage.py runserver to start Django project

  6. Go to the localhost:8000

General Documentation:

  • To add new connection click (+) button at the sidebar \
  • To connect to existent connection just click on it
  • To Edit/Delete connection click button near the name
  • For navigation use click on first folder (with name ..) or navigation menu at navigation bar
  • To download file click on the name or on the icon