- 1
In v5.1.0 modelopt library is missing
#31 opened by dan64 - 1
How can I make it in realtime in mpv?
#30 opened by KiritoGuugk - 6
Is this speed normal?
#29 opened by KiritoGuugk - 2
Full Example Script
#27 opened by AIManifest - 0
performance so much worse then using trt.Model
#25 opened by efschu - 2
Real time?
#20 opened by JAB-dev - 0
expected scalar type Half but found Float
#23 opened by Selur - 1
[Feature Request] Face Enhance feature support
#22 opened by shr-go - 1
TRT issue,..
#21 opened by Selur - 1
- 2
[Feature Request] ncnn version
#19 opened by eapiova - 3
TensorRT "Ran out of input"?
#18 opened by Selur - 3
A way to use our own models?
#16 opened by lastrosade - 8
Installing on portable vapoursynth?
#14 opened by manus693 - 0
missing onnxruntime on setup.cfg(?)
#12 opened by sl1pkn07 - 0
Vapoursynth R58 support
#10 opened by Selur - 4
- 1
[REQ] A-ESRGAN port for VS
#8 opened by AIisCool - 1
[REQ] SwinIR port
#6 opened by MarcoRavich - 3
How about images
#5 opened by alexandar-m - 0