
💡 Control your Logitech Litra light from the command line

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


💡 Control your Logitech Litra light from the command line


With this tool, you can:

  • Turn your light on and off
  • Check if the light is on or off
  • Set and get the brightness of your light
  • Set and get the temperature of your light

Supported devices

The following Logitech Litra devices, connected via USB, are supported:


macOS with Homebrew

  1. Install the latest version by running brew tap timrogers/tap && brew install litra.
  2. Run litra --help to check that everything is working and see the available commands.

All other platforms

  1. Download the latest release for your platform. macOS, Linux and Windows devices are supported.
  2. Add the binary to $PATH, so you can execute it from your shell. For the best experience, call it litra on macOS and Linux, and litra.exe on Windows.
  3. Run litra --help to check that everything is working and see the available commands.


The following commands are available for controlling your devices:

  • litra on: Turn your Logitech Litra device on
  • litra off: Turn your Logitech Litra device off
  • litra toggle: Toggles your Logitech Litra device on or off
  • litra brightness: Sets the brightness of your Logitech Litra device, using either --value (measured in lumens) or --percentage (as a percentage of the device's maximum brightness). The brightness can be set to any value between the minimum and maximum for the device returned by the devices command.
  • litra temperature: Sets the temperature of your Logitech Litra device, using a --value measured in kelvin (K). The temperature be set to any multiple of 100 between the minimum and maximum for the device returned by the devices command.

All of the these commands support a --serial-number/-s argument to specify the serial number of the device you want to target. If you only have one Litra device, you can omit this argument. If you have multiple devices, we recommend specifying it. If it isn't specified, the "first" device will be picked, but this isn't guaranteed to be stable between command runs.

The following commands are also included:

  • litra devices: List Logitech Litra devices connected to your computer. This will be returned in human-readable format by default, or you can get JSON output with the --json flag.

Each CLI command can also be called with --help for more detailed documentation.