
The first project at Microverse. This is a sample portfolio web site, which display your current projects with all their details.

Primary LanguageHTML

Yuriy Chamkoriyski's Microverse Portfolio

Portfolio web site, showcasing my projects while studying at Microverse.


Project list

I will be building my website portfolio during the first module of the program. Here is the list of projects that will guide me. I will find details about each of the projects requirements in the upcoming program activities. In some of the steps I will be working individually, but in others I will be working collaboratively with my coding partners.

  • Project 1: Setup and mobile version skeleton
  • Project 2: Mobile version
  • Project 3: Contact form (pair programming)
  • Project 4: Desktop version
  • Project 5: Application deploy
  • Project 6: Evaluate accessibility (pair programming)
  • Project 7: Mobile menu (pair programming)
  • Project 8: Details modal (pair programming)
  • Project 9: Validate contact form (pair programming)
  • Project 10: Preserve data in the browser (pair programming)

Built With

  • Major languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Frameworks: none
  • Technologies used: GitHub, Lighthouse, Webhint, Stylelint, ESLint

Live Demo

You can view the current deployment by clicking the link bellow:

Live Demo Link

Getting Started

Simply open the link above.

To get a local copy up and running, follow these simple example steps.


  • Internet connection and a web browser


  • No setup required


  • No installation required


Run tests

  • Lighthouse, Webhint, Stylelint, ESLint


  • Using GitHub Pages


👤 Yuriy Chamkoriyski

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

Show your support

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Thanks to @gemmen29 George Magdy's contribution in the third part of the project.

Thanks to @nevisende Furkan Denizhan's contribution in mobile menu JS part of the project.

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.