
Document Template System

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

GitHub release (latest by date) Travis CI Software License

Setup instructions

Using Docker

git clone git@github.com:HomeCEU/dockerapp.git dts
cd dts
git checkout dts
./app.sh config set GIT_REPO git@github.com:HomeCEU/dts.git
./app.sh config set APP_CONTAINER dts
./app.sh init
cd .docker
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
cd ..
./app.sh exec phinx migrate

If you want a sample template and data, run

./app.sh exec phinx seed:run -s SampleSeeder


if you wish you can customize the exposed port with

./app.sh config set APP_PORT 8080

or just edit config yourself.

command exec

You can execute commands in the container from the outside

./app.sh composer update

also vendor/bin is in $PATH so you can

# run phpunit
./app.sh exec phpunit

# create a migration
./app.sh exec phinx create MyMigration