📦 Bundler for non-Ruby dependencies from Homebrew, Homebrew Cask and the Mac App Store.
- alebcayRaleigh/Durham, NC
- arnaudfoisset
- bihichengchina
- Bo98Scotland
- chenrui333@meetup
- chrisbobekSan Francisco
- chrish4n
- colindean@codeandsupply; @target; @Homebrew
- EricFromCanada
- fxcoudertParis, France
- gravitytrope
- gromgitSingapore
- helmedeiros@goeuro
- hyperdashAbema TV, Inc. / CyberAgent, Inc.
- iMichkaLille
- InterdigmInternet Paradigm Communications
- jacobbednarz@cloudflare
- jamesaandersonLos Angeles, CA
- jhcloos
- kgonzales87SecondHandSmoke
- LordXethGermany
- machupicchubeta
- manphiz
- marfarmaNew York, NY
- MikeMcQuaid@Workbrew
- MoisanQuebec city, QC, Canada
- ratson(-(-_(-_-)_-)-)
- reitermarkusBORA
- reshunSan Diego, CA
- S64@kiganix
- SMillerDev@Move-Agency
- stigkj@finn-no
- SuzukiMasashi
- vancaemNetherlands
- woodruffw@trailofbits
- zhangaz1// return void(0);