Advent of Code 2021 in Scala

Solutions for Advent of Code 2021

Personal goals

  • Get to know a new language
  • See how good I can get in a month
  • Save christmas!

Take aways

While some things seemed fishy at first (def foo(f: Int)(x: Int)) the language has really grown on me. The pattern matching and apply/unapply could well be my favourite features learned in 2021.


  • Scala 2.13.7
  • sbt 1.5.5


git clone
cd adventofcode_2021_scala

Optionally: Copy your own inputs into inputs/dayX/input.txt. Only example inputs (-t <x>) are included in this repo.

run -d 1 -i ./inputs -t 1
run --help


  -t, --test <test case>  Run day against test input.
  -v, --verbose           Print addidional output.
  -T, --time              Time the solution.
  -d, --day <day>         The day to run.
  -i, --input <input>     Path to input folder.
  --help                  Print this help message.