
a browser extension for making life easier

Primary LanguageJavaScript


sometimes the url are too long to read, and if we want to check some query in url will be difficult

so I use URLSearchParams to display the query in table list


git clone git@github.com:HomyeeKing/homybe.git

then laod it from chrome


when the url is https://github.com/?q=123,the popup will be

quick get qrcode when hover the image


explain manifest.json structure

  "minifest_version": 3,
  "permission": ["tabs"], // the list that enable chrome features
  "optional_permissions": ["unlimitedStorage"], //
  "host_permissions": ["http://www.blogger.com/", "*://*/*"], // specify which domain can run the extension
  "content_security_policy": {  // manage CSP
    "extension_pages": "...", // in the form of chrome-extension://<extension-id>/foo.html
    "sandbox": "..."

