
Multiple App Assignments for beginners into Android Development

Primary LanguageJava

Android Assignments

Topics covered in the repository:

  • Activity Lifecycle methods
  • Communication between Fragments
  • Navigation View, Recyclerview, Listview, CardView, Customized BottomNavigationView
  • Linear Layout, Relative Layout, Frame Layout, Constraint Layout, Coordinate Layout
  • View pager, Tab layout, Collapsing toolbar and other widgets
  • Implicit and Explicit intent
  • Localization
  • Background tasks with: Handler, Asynctaks, Asynctask loader,
  • Fetching data with Retrofit2, without library using HttpUrlConnection class and JSON parsing
  • Firebase Login and Firebase console push notification
  • Custom camera with Camera2 API
  • Butterknife
  • Google VR SDK
  • GetBooks is built using Google Books API
    --> Search books
    --> Get a list of books that your searched for with title and author
    --> Open the preview link by clicking on the list item.