
Golang Templ HTMX AlphineJs Template

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Go Templ HTMX Template

A streamlined Go-based template integrating Echo, Templ, HTMX, SQLC, Tailwind CSS, and Alpine.js, designed for rapid development of web applications. This template serves as a foundation for full-stack development, incorporating best practices for clean architecture, security, and performance.

Quick Start

Clone and Install:

git clone github.com/HoneySinghDev/go-templ-htmx-template.git
cd go-templ-htmx-template
task install

Launch Development Server:

task dev


Environment Variables:

Create a .env file based on .env.example. Adjust database and Supabase settings to match your local or production environments.

PKL Configuration:

Settings are in pkl/app.config, with environment-specific configurations in pkl/local and pkl/prod.

Building for Production

task build

Compiles Go binary and frontend assets. Deploy bin/app to your server.


  • Echo Framework: Robust foundation for web server operations.

  • Templ Templating: Type-safe, JSX-inspired templating for Go, enhancing server-side rendering.

  • HTMX: Dynamic HTML content updates without full page reloads.

  • SQLC: Type-safe SQL queries with automated code generation.

  • Tailwind CSS: Utility-first styling for rapid UI development.

  • Alpine.js: Lightweight JavaScript for enhanced interactivity.

  • Trying Experimental NilAway: A tool to help you avoid nil pointer dereferencing in Go. Check


Contributions are welcome. Fork this repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request.


MIT License. See LICENSE for more details.

Simplify your Go web development with this template, crafted for developers by developers.