
Shiny app dashboard of HK district councillors' information include FB pages.

Primary LanguageRMIT LicenseMIT

Dashboard: Hong Kong District Councillors

Travis build status R build status Codecov test coverage License: MIT

To provide a convenient site for live information on the district councillors in Hong Kong, via aggregating posts and feeds from their public Facebook pages.

The Shiny app is deployed onto shinyapps.io in the links below:

Project organisation

├── LICENSE                                 <- Sharing agreement
├── README.md                               <- Introduces project
├── DESCRIPTION                             <- Store important metadata about project
├── CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md                      <- Guide to define community standards
├── CONTRIBUTING.md                         <- Guide to how contributors can help
├── NAMESPACE                               <- Prevent conflict in package names
├── .gitignore                              <- Files and folders to be ignored by git
├── inst/
│   ├── app.R                               <- App script calling sub-scripts
│   └── app/               
|       ├── extdata/                        <- External data gathered for app
|       ├── data/                           <- Internal data created for app
|       ├── R/                              <- Functions for app
|       ├── www/                            <- Logo files for app
|       ├── modules/                        <- Components of server.R objects
|       ├── helpfiles/                      <- Markdown of shinyhelper tips
|       ├── google-analytics.html           <- Link app with Google Analytics
|       ├── global.R                        <- Static objects for app
|       ├── server.R                        <- Reactive objects for app
|       └── ui.R                            <- User-interface for app
├── tests/                                  <- Files for unit-testing
├── .development/
│   ├── googlesheets_dataclean.R            <- Wrangles Google Sheet data for app
│   └── func_clean_gsheet_data.R            <- Function to clean Google Sheet
├── .github/                         
│   ├── pull_request_template.md            <- Pull request template
|       ├── bug_report.md                   <- Issue template for bugs
|       └── feature_report.md               <- Issue template for features
|   └── workflows/
|       └── rcmd_build.yml                  <- Instructions for R CMD checks
├── renv/                                   <- Config to use renv package
├── renv.lock                               <- Package versions used for project
├── travis.yml                              <- Instructions for travis.ci checks
├── codecov.yml                             <- Instructions for codecov.io checks
└── dashboard-hkdistrictcouncillors.Rproj   <- Config to establish Rproject


Ensure you have R version 3.6.2. Install and run this app locally in your command shell (instructions for iOS):

git clone https://github.com/avisionh/dashboard-hkdistrictcouncillors.git
cd dashboard-hkdistrictcouncillors
install.packages(pkgs = "renv", Ncpus = 1)
shiny::runApp(appDir = "inst/app.R")

Components of the app

  1. Data mapping the Facebook pages of each district councillor to their names, constituencies, and basic information
  2. API connection to Facebook pages
  3. Shiny front-end and visualisation

Development considerations

  • Not all district councillors will have public Facebook pages, but the aim is for the app to be as comprehensive as possible in coverage.

Data Source

A list of the District Councillors and their Facebooks page hyperlinks are publicly-accessible on Google Drive here.

The data is also available as an R package on https://github.com/Hong-Kong-Districts-Info/hkdatasets.

Getting help

If you encounter a clear bug, please file an issue with a minimal reproducible example on GitHub.

Code of Conduct

Please note that the hkdistrictcouncillors project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.

Project Team website

To find out more about our project team and other projects by us, please visit our website.

You can find out about our current backlog of work on our public Trello Doing board.