Table of Contents





DAVIS-like folder

A folder is said to have DAVIS-like structure when its directory is of the form:

  . root
  |- Annotations                        # annotation folder (segmentation mask)
    |- <resolution_id>                  # usually 480p
      |- <video_id>                     # ex: bear, deer, etc.
        |- <0-pad image filename>.png   # ex: 00000.png, 00051.png, etc.
  |- JPEGImages                         # image folder (RGB images)
    |- <resolution_id>                  # usually 480p
      |- <video_id>                     # ex: bear, deer, etc.
        |- <0-pad image filename>.jpg   # ex: 00000.png, 00051.png, etc.
  |- ImageSets                          # txt files for split
    |- <year>                           # ex: 2016, 2017, etc.
      |- <split name>.txt               # line-separated video name prefixes [bear, deer,...]

Note: For the YoutubeVOS dataset, the directory needs to be modified to fit with the above form, specifically the <resolution_id> subfolder (for both Annotations and JPEGImages), and the entire ImageSets folder. A script will be prepared to automate this modification.


At first the annotation mask will be multi-instances. If you want to split it into multiple videos (for annotations) and concurrently create symlink (for jpeg images), use

usage: [-h] [--root ROOT] [--copy]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --root ROOT  path to DAVIS-like folder
  --copy       copy mode (create duplicate folders), default: symlink mode
               (create symbolic links)

Note: For Google Colab, it is necessary to set the copy flag (since symbolic links do not work on Colab yet).

Dataset class

From here on, the term frame is used to refer to a (JPEG image, Annotation mask) pair.

DAVIS Pair Dataset

For each input index, the DAVISPairDataset will return a pair of frames in packed form: (support_img, support_anno, query_img), query_anno. There are currently 3 supported modes depending on the chronological order of the support and the query frame:

  1. Support and query frame do not have any particular chronological order, i.e (i, j);
  2. Support is always the first frame (suitable for testing), i.e (0, j);
  3. Support frame always comes before query frame, i.e (i, j), i < j.

There is an option to set min_skip and max_skip to bound the temporal gap between frames. There is another option max_npairs to bound the number of pairs sampled from each video.

There is a random counterpart DAVISPairRandomDataset which consists of the same set of modes, but each getitem call will return a sampled pair from each video. The max_npairs option now determines how many times the video are sampled so as to have a longer training phase.

DAVIS Triplet Dataset

For each input index, the DAVISTripletDataset will return a pair of frame in packed form: (first_img, first_anno, second_img, third_img), (second_anno, third_anno). There are currently 3 supported modes, in all of which, the frames are in chronological order:

  1. The second frame and third frame are next to each other, i.e (i, j, j+1);
  2. Same as 0, but the first frame is always the first frame of the video, i.e (0, j, j+1) (suitable for testing);
  3. Three frames are randomly separated, i.e (i, j, k).

There is an option to set min_skip and max_skip to bound the temporal gap between frames. There is another option max_npairs to bound the number of pairs sampled from each video.

There is a random counterpart DAVISTripletRandomDataset which consists of the same set of modes, but each getitem call will return a sampled triplet from each video. The max_npairs option now determines how many times the video are sampled so as to have a longer training phase.


To test dataset, use

usage: [-h] [--root ROOT] [--anno ANNO] [--jpeg JPEG]
                       [--res RES] [--imgset IMGSET] [--year YEAR]
                       [--phase PHASE] [--mode MODE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --root ROOT      path to DAVIS-like folder
  --anno ANNO      path to Annotations subfolder (of ROOT)
  --jpeg JPEG      path to JPEGImages subfolder (of ROOT)
  --res RES        path to Resolution subfolder (of ANNO and JPEG)
  --imgset IMGSET  path to ImageSet subfolder (of ROOT)
  --year YEAR      path to Year subfolder (of IMGSET)
  --phase PHASE    path to phase txt file (of IMGSET/YEAR)
  --mode MODE      frame pair selector mode