We propose a novel method for generating noise-free explanations for ViT and evaluate our method on driving action prediction task.
Our framework consists of two stages: self-supervised training and supervised multi-label classification fine-tuning.
conda (Recommended) - Clone the repository and then create and activate a the conda environment using the provided environment definition:
conda env create -f SNNA.yaml
conda activate SNNA
The data used in this project is the BDD100k and BDD-OIA The data should be downloaded and placed in the dataset
directory. The directory structure should look like this:
|-- dataset
|-- BDD100k
|-- images
|-- 100k
|-- train
|-- val
|-- test
|-- test
|-- train
|-- val
To train the model, run the following command:
- Self-supervised Fine-tuning the model on BDD100k
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 main_dino.py --patch_size 8 --batch_size_per_gpu 16 --epochs 200 --saveckp_freq 10 --data_path /dataset/BDD100k/images/100k --output_dir /ckp/
- Supervised Multi-label classification Fine-tuning the classifier on BDD-OIA
python multi_label_train.py --num_labels 4 --patch_size 8 --batch_size_per_gpu 4 --epochs 100 --pretrained_weights /ckp/backbone_200.pth --data_path /dataset/BDD-OIA/ --output_dir /ckp/
This repository is based on the following works:
- Transformer-Explainability we thank the authors for their excellent works.
If you make use of our work, please cite our paper: