
The Project's goal is to simulate a decentralised approach to building machine learning models while protecting the privacy of users.

Primary LanguagePython

Federated Learning using Blockchain

An Application to demonstrate Federated Learning using Blockchain

Federated Learning


Federated Learning is simply the decentralized form of Machine Learning. In Machine Learning, we usually train our data that is aggregated from several edge devices like mobile phones, laptops, etc. and is brought together to a centralized server. Machine Learning algorithms, then grab this data and trains itself and finally predicts results for new data generated. Great!

But, can you smell a “privacy nightmare”?

The AI market is dominated by tech giants such as Google, Amazon and Microsoft, offering cloud-based AI solutions and APIs. In the traditional AI methods, sensitive user data are sent to the servers where models are trained. That’s awful! With the increased awareness of user privacy across different devices and platforms, AI developers should not ignore the fact that their model is accessing and using data that is user-sensitive!

Well, here comes our Savior! The Federated Learning approach.

  1. So, our centralized machine learning application will have a local copy on all devices, where users can use them according to our need.
  2. The model will now gradually learn and train itself on the information inputted by the user and become smarter, time to time.
  3. The devices are then allowed to transfer the training results, from the local copy of the machine learning app, back to the central server. Remember, only results, not data!
  4. This same process happens across several devices, that have a local copy of the application. The results will be aggregated together in the centralized server, this time without user data.
  5. The centralized cloud server now updates its central machine learning model from the aggregated training results, which is now far better than the previously deployed version.
  6. The development team now updates the model to a newer version, and users update the application with the smarter model, created from their own data!

System Architecture

Distributed Linear Regression Model

Directory: Federated (linear Regression)

Install Python Libraries

  • numpy
  • pandas
  • pygad
  • pickle

Code Execution - Open 3 terminals

  • First terminal python server.py
  • Second terminal python client1.py
  • Third terminal python client2.py

Distributed Blockchain Model

Directory: Federated(linear regression + blockchain)

Block Structure

Block -

  • index
  • client_model
  • server_model
  • cli - [“cli1”, “cli2”]
  • timestamp
  • previous_hash
  • nonce

Block Hashing

Hash -

  • index
  • client_weights
  • client_biases
  • cli
  • timestamp
  • previous_hash
  • nonce

Code Execution - Open 3 terminals

  • First terminal python server.py
  • Second terminal python client1.py
  • Third terminal python client2.py