
RTMPose series (RTMPose, DWPose, RTMO, RTMW) without mmcv, mmpose, mmdet etc.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



rtmlib is a super lightweight library to conduct pose estimation based on RTMPose models WITHOUT any dependencies like mmcv, mmpose, mmdet, etc.

Basically, rtmlib only requires these dependencies:

  • numpy
  • opencv-python
  • opencv-contrib-python
  • onnxruntime

Optionally, you can use other common backends like opencv, onnxruntime, openvino, tensorrt to accelerate the inference process.

  • For openvino users, please add the path <your python path>\envs\<your env name>\Lib\site-packages\openvino\libs into your environment path.


  • install from pypi:
pip install rtmlib -i https://pypi.org/simple
  • install from source code:
git clone https://github.com/Tau-J/rtmlib.git
cd rtmlib

pip install -r requirements.txt

pip install -e .

# [optional]
# pip install onnxruntime-gpu
# pip install openvino

Quick Start

Here is a simple demo to show how to use rtmlib to conduct pose estimation on a single image.

import cv2

from rtmlib import Wholebody, draw_skeleton

device = 'cpu'  # cpu, cuda
backend = 'onnxruntime'  # opencv, onnxruntime, openvino
img = cv2.imread('./demo.jpg')

openpose_skeleton = False  # True for openpose-style, False for mmpose-style

wholebody = Wholebody(to_openpose=openpose_skeleton,
                      mode='balanced',  # 'performance', 'lightweight', 'balanced'. Default: 'balanced'
                      backend=backend, device=device)

keypoints, scores = wholebody(img)

# visualize

# if you want to use black background instead of original image,
# img_show = np.zeros(img_show.shape, dtype=np.uint8)

img_show = draw_skeleton(img_show, keypoints, scores, kpt_thr=0.5)

cv2.imshow('img', img_show)


Run webui.py:

# Please make sure you have installed gradio
# pip install gradio

python webui.py



For high-level APIs (Solution), you can choose to pass mode or det+pose arguments to specify the detector and pose estimator you want to use.

# By mode
wholebody = Wholebody(mode='performance',  # 'performance', 'lightweight', 'balanced'. Default: 'balanced'

# By det and pose
body = Body(det='https://download.openmmlab.com/mmpose/v1/projects/rtmposev1/onnx_sdk/yolox_x_8xb8-300e_humanart-a39d44ed.zip',
            det_input_size=(640, 640),
            pose_input_size=(288, 384),

For low-level APIs (Model), you can specify the model you want to use by passing the onnx_model argument.

# By onnx_model (.onnx)
pose_model = RTMPose(onnx_model='/path/to/your_model.onnx',  # download link or local path
                     backend=backend, device=device)

# By onnx_model (.zip)
pose_model = RTMPose(onnx_model='https://download.openmmlab.com/mmpose/v1/projects/rtmposev1/onnx_sdk/rtmpose-m_simcc-body7_pt-body7_420e-256x192-e48f03d0_20230504.zip',  # download link or local path
                     backend=backend, device=device)

Model Zoo

By defaults, rtmlib will automatically download and apply models with the best performance.

More models can be found in RTMPose Model Zoo.




  • Models trained on HumanArt can detect both real human and cartoon characters.
  • Models trained on COCO can only detect real human.
ONNX Model Input Size Description
YOLOX-l 640x640 trained on COCO val2017
YOLOX-nano 416x416 trained on HumanArt
YOLOX-tiny 416x416 trained on HumanArt
YOLOX-s 640x640 trained on HumanArt
YOLOX-m 640x640 trained on HumanArt
YOLOX-l 640x640 trained on HumanArt
YOLOX-x 640x640 trained on HumanArt

Pose Estimators

ONNX Model Input Size Description
RTMPose-t 256x192 Body 17 Keypoints
RTMPose-s 256x192 Body 17 Keypoints
RTMPose-m 256x192 Body 17 Keypoints
RTMPose-l 384x288 Body 17 Keypoints
RTMPose-x 384x288 Body 17 Keypoints
RTMO-s 640x640 Body 17 Keypoints
RTMO-m 640x640 Body 17 Keypoints
RTMO-l 640x640 Body 17 Keypoints
ONNX Model Input Size Description
RTMW-m 256x192 Wholebody 133 Keypoints
RTMW-l 256x192 Wholebody 133 Keypoints
RTMW-l 384x288 Wholebody 133 Keypoints
RTMW-x 384x288 Wholebody 133 Keypoints


MMPose-style OpenPose-style
result result
result result
result result
result result


  author={Jiang, Tao},
  howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/Tau-J/rtmlib}},

  doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2303.07399},
  url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.07399},
  author = {Jiang, Tao and Lu, Peng and Zhang, Li and Ma, Ningsheng and Han, Rui and Lyu, Chengqi and Li, Yining and Chen, Kai},
  keywords = {Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV), FOS: Computer and information sciences, FOS: Computer and information sciences},
  title = {RTMPose: Real-Time Multi-Person Pose Estimation based on MMPose},
  publisher = {arXiv},
  year = {2023},
  copyright = {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International}

      title={{RTMO}: Towards High-Performance One-Stage Real-Time Multi-Person Pose Estimation},
      author={Peng Lu and Tao Jiang and Yining Li and Xiangtai Li and Kai Chen and Wenming Yang},


Our code is based on these repos: