
Depth Enhancemt by means of Data Fusion

The present tool implements the RGB-D, UML and PWAS Filters presented at:

Real-Time Depth Enhancement by Fusion for RGB-D Cameras Garcia, F. and Aouada, D. and Solignac, T. and Mirbach, B. and Ottersten, B. IET Computer Vision, v.7:5, pp.1-11, 2013

A New Multi-lateral Filter for Real-Time Depth Enhancement Garcia, F. and Aouada, D. and Mirbach, B. and Solignac, T. and Ottersten, B. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance (AVSS), pp.42-47, 2011

Pixel Weighted Average Strategy for Depth Sensor Data Fusion Garcia, F. and Mirbach, B. and Ottersten, B. and Grandidier, F. and Cuesta, A. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp.2805-2808, 2010

Feel free to download my papers from and do not hesitate to contact me in case of doubts:

Release notes:

2015/03/20 Remember to change the OpenCV and QT paths from the file. Note that the expected resolution of input images (depth map and guidance image) is (640x480) pixels.