
Model tool to stimulate sales, giving 10% discount to each opinion on the product. UI UX subject to modification to suit customer taste.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

My Opinion


The Customer Opinion Evaluation Web Application is a web platform developed to collect feedback from customers about products or services. This document provides technical information on how to configure, implement, and integrate the application. The main technologies used are Babel, Eslint, SWR, google-spreadsheet, Next.js, and Tailwind CSS.



jvmh-typescript jvmh-nextjs jvmh-reactjs jvmh-nodejs jvmh-googleclouds jvmh-tailwindcss

System Requirements

  • Node.js
  • NPM (Node Package Manager) or Yarn
  • Google Spreadsheet API Key

Development Environment Setup

  1. Clone the application repository from GitHub:

    git clone git@github.com:Honorato-Dev/My-opinion.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd project_name
  3. Install project dependencies:

    npm install


    yarn install
  4. Configure environment variables:

    Create a .env.local file in the project root and add the following variables:

    SHEET_DOC_ID = <id of the  google docs SHEET>
    SHEET_CLIENT_EMAIL = private key do service credential 
    SHEET_CLIENT_KEY = <private key of services credentials> 
    Replace `YourAPIKey` with your Google Spreadsheet API key.

Google Spreadsheet Setup

  1. Create a spreadsheet in Google Spreadsheet with the necessary columns to store customer feedback.
  2. Share the spreadsheet with the service account that will be used to access it.


To start the development server, run the following command:

npm run dev

##Integration with Other Systems The Customer Opinion Evaluation Web Application can be easily integrated with other systems through APIs or webhooks. You can use the provided APIs to send feedback to other systems or integrate Google Spreadsheet data with existing systems.


  • Next.js Documentation
  • Tailwind CSS Documentation
  • SWR Documentation
  • Google Spreadsheet API Documentation
  • This is a basic guide for setting up, developing, and deploying the Customer Opinion Evaluation Web Application. For more details on implementation and customization, refer to the official documentation of the technologies used




  • @Honorato-Dev

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