
convenient use of syscalls with a single line and a comfort wrapper, unfriendly for reverse engineer

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

shadow syscalls

Easy to use syscall wrapper based on MASM. Each call is hashed using intrins and is not reverse-engineer friendly.

Target platform (as of today) - MSVC, x64 Release & Debug

Example of simple call

int main(void)
    shadowsyscall(NTSTATUS, NtTerminateProcess).invoke((HANDLE)0xDEADC0DE, -1);

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Detailed example

int main(void)
    auto instance = shadowsyscall(NTSTATUS, NtTerminateProcess);

    // cache index before executing syscall, unnecessarily

    // get NtTerminateProcess syscall index

    // execute NtTerminateProcess syscall
    NTSTATUS status = instance.invoke((HANDLE)0xDEADC0DE, -1);

    std::cout << "syscall status: " << "0x" << std::hex << status << std::endl;

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

🚀 Features

  • Caching each call.
  • Ability to disable exceptions within the code.
  • Doesn't leave any strings in executable memory.
  • Compile-time hashing export.
  • Runtime hash based on intrins.
  • Doesn't leave any imports in the executable.
  • Ability to switch between SSE and AVX intrins.

📜 What's a syscall?


⏲️ Benchmarks - call caching

Each test calculates the average of 100 syscalls to the same nt-api. syscall used: NtReadVirtualMemory

Benchmark time is measured in microseconds

Map-cached calls, the result: 0.72ms  -  1.12ms per call.  70.2ms per hundred calls.

Non-cached calls, the result: 38.54ms - 52.61ms per call.  3854ms per hundred calls.

The difference between call caching and regular call is obvious, the whole point is that when caching calls - the syscall index is stored in the std::map container, then the first thing is to check the presence of the index by the necessary hash when calling the syscall.

If the corresponding syscall index is found by hash in std::map, then rolling up the list of modules and their exports through PEB is not required, thus we eliminate several cycles before making the call itself. This is how we achieve such performance.

📄 Documentation

  • shadowsyscall_hashct(str) -> compile-time hash
  • shadowsyscall_hashrt(str) -> runtime hash
  • shadowsyscall(type, export_name) -> class wrapper allows you to call some methods, also includes .invoke() method
  • shadowsyscall_(type, export_name, ...) -> syscall executor

🛠️ Configuration

#define EFFECT
SHADOWSYSCALL_NO_FORCEINLINE disables force inlining
SHADOWSYSCALL_DISABLE_EXCEPTIONS disables all exceptions and returns 0 if the function fails.
SHADOWSYSCALL_DISABLE_INTRIN_HASH disables runtime intrin-based hashing, and leaves normal arithmetic operations in place
SHADOWSYSCALL_NO_CACHING completely disables caching of all syscalls.
SHADOWSYSCALL_USE_AVX_INTRINS use only AVX in the hashing algorithm instead of SSE intrins

IDA Pro Pseudocode Output


v2 = a2;
  v38 = a2;
  *a2 = -804903540;
  v3 = 0;
  a2[1] = 0;
  v4 = (void **)sub_140001540(&v41);
  v5 = v4;
  v6 = *v4;
  v7 = (_QWORD *)*((_QWORD *)*v4 + 1);
  v8 = *v4;
  v9 = *((_BYTE *)v7 + 25);
  if ( !v9 )
    v10 = (_QWORD *)*((_QWORD *)*v4 + 1);
      if ( *((_DWORD *)v10 + 7) >= 0xD006258C )
        v8 = v10;
        v10 = (_QWORD *)*v10;
        v10 = (_QWORD *)v10[2];
    while ( !*((_BYTE *)v10 + 25) );
  if ( v8[25] || *((_DWORD *)v8 + 7) > 0xD006258C )
    v8 = v6;
  if ( !v9 )
      sub_1400017B0(v5, v5, v7[2]);
      v11 = v7;
      v7 = (_QWORD *)*v7;
    while ( !*((_BYTE *)v7 + 25) );
  if ( v8 != v6 )
    v12 = Block;
    v13 = (_QWORD *)*((_QWORD *)Block + 1);
    while ( !*((_BYTE *)v13 + 25) )
      if ( *((_DWORD *)v13 + 7) >= *v2 )
        v12 = v13;
        v13 = (_QWORD *)*v13;
        v13 = (_QWORD *)v13[2];
    if ( !*((_BYTE *)v12 + 25) && *v2 >= v12[7] )
      v2[1] = v12[8];
      return v2;
    std::_Xout_of_range("invalid map<K, T> key");
  v14 = *v2;
  v39 = &NtCurrentPeb()->Ldr->Reserved2[1];
  v15 = (PVOID *)*v39;
  if ( *v39 != v39 )
    v40 = 1209689126;
    v16 = v39;
      if ( v15[12] )
        v17 = (int *)v15[6];
        if ( *(_WORD *)v17 == 23117 )
          v18 = v17[15];
          if ( *(_WORD *)((char *)v17 + v18 + 24) != 523 || *(int *)((char *)v17 + v18 + 140) )
            v19 = *(unsigned int *)((char *)v17 + v18 + 136);
            v20 = (__int64)v17 + *(unsigned int *)((char *)v17 + v19 + 32);
            v21 = (__int64)v17 + *(unsigned int *)((char *)v17 + v19 + 28);
            v41 = (__int64)v17 + *(unsigned int *)((char *)v17 + v19 + 36);
            v22 = 0i64;
            v23 = *(unsigned int *)((char *)v17 + v19 + 24);
            if ( *(int *)((char *)v17 + v19 + 24) )
              while ( 1 )
                v24 = (__int64)v17 + *(unsigned int *)(v20 + 4 * v22);
                v25 = -2095942872;
                v26 = 0i64;
                while ( *(_BYTE *)(v26 + v24) );
                v27 = 0i64;
                if ( v26 )
                    v28 = *(char *)(v27 + v24);
                    if ( v25 == v28 )
                      v29 = 0;
                      v30 = (__m128)_mm_cvtsi32_si128(v28);
                      v31 = (__m128)_mm_cvtsi32_si128(v25);
                      v29 = _mm_cvtsi128_si32((__m128i)_mm_or_ps(
                                                         _mm_andnot_ps(v31, v30),
                                                         _mm_and_ps(_mm_andnot_ps(v30, (__m128)xmmword_140003370), v31)));
                    v32 = v27;
                    if ( !v27 )
                      v32 = v40;
                    if ( v32 == 268338 )
                      v33 = 0;
                      v34 = (__m128)_mm_cvtsi32_si128(v32);
                      v35 = (__m128)_mm_cvtsi32_si128(0x41832u);
                      v33 = _mm_cvtsi128_si32((__m128i)_mm_or_ps(
                                                         _mm_andnot_ps(v35, v34),
                                                         _mm_and_ps(_mm_andnot_ps(v34, (__m128)xmmword_140003370), v35)));
                    v25 = v28
                        + _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_cvtsi32_si128(v29 + v28 * (v27++ + 1209689126)), 0))
                        * v33;
                  while ( v27 < v26 );
                  v17 = (int *)v15[6];
                if ( v14 == v25 )
                if ( ++v22 >= v23 )
                  goto LABEL_46;
              v36 = (__int64)v17 + *(unsigned int *)(v21 + 4i64 * *(unsigned __int16 *)(v41 + 2 * v22));
              if ( v36 )
                goto LABEL_50;
            v16 = v39;
      v15 = (PVOID *)*v15;
    while ( v15 != v16 );
    v2 = v38;
  v36 = v41;
  if ( v41 )
    v3 = *(_DWORD *)(v36 + 4);
    v2 = v38;
  v2[1] = v3;
  v38 = (unsigned int *)__PAIR64__(v3, v14);
  sub_140001620(v36, v42, &v38);
  return v2;

Thanks to

invers1on :heart:, metafaze :heart: