
Panoramic Graph Environment Annotation toolkit, for collecting audio and text annotations in panoramic graph environments such as Matterport3D and StreetLearn.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


The Panoramic Graph Environment Annotation toolkit, abbreviated as PanGEA, is a lightweight and customizable codebase for collecting audio and text annotations in panoramic graph environments, such as Matterport3D and StreetLearn. PanGEA has been used to collect the RxR dataset of multilingual navigation instructions, and to perform human wayfinding evaluations of machine-generated navigation instructions.


The src directory contains the core components used to create a plugin.

  • environment.js contains the Environment class for manipulating a graph of panoramic viewpoints. Environments maintain a Three.js camera and scene. Also contains the Navigator class, which is a strict superclass of an environment. Navigators maintain a WebGL renderer, cursor, and first-person controls.
  • animation.js contains the Animation class, which is a high-level wrapper around the Web Animations API.
  • microphone.js contains the Microphone class, which is a high-level wrapper around the Web Audio API as well as an RmsMeter and Histogram class to visualize the audio stream.
  • drawing.js contains the LineDrawing class which renders a line in an environment. This is useful for rendering paths to be annotated.
  • firebase.js contains Firebase upload related utilities.
  • utils.js contains common utility functions.
  • data_adapter.js contains code for loading Matterport3D environments.

The examples directory contains examples of PanGEA in action.

  • environment_demo.html demonstrates loading a navigator, recording a pose trace, and replaying the recorded pose trace. A pose trace is a timestamped sequence of camera poses that captures everything the annotator sees.
  • microphone_demo.html demonstrates recording audio from the microphone.
  • guide_plugin.html is the Guide plugin for an RxR annotation task.
  • follower_plugin.html is the Follower plugin for an RxR annotation task.

The environment_demo.html and microphone_demo.html pages are minimal self-contained examples that don't require downloading any additional data. Just launch a local server to see them, e.g.

python3 -m http.server 8000

and browse to


The guide_plugin.html and follower_plugin.html pages require a dataset to work, as described below.

Guide and Follower plugins

The Guide and Follower plugins were used to collect the RxR dataset of multilingual navigation instructions in the Matterport3D environment. Both plugins can be configured to save annotation outputs to Firebase.

Guide Task

In the Guide task, annotators are given a path in the environment. Their voice is recorded as they freely move along the path and attempt to generate spoken navigation instructions others can follow. After they're satisfied with their instructions, they'll be asked to manually transcribe their own voice recording into text.

Input Args (currently loaded from testdata/args.json):

  • language: currently supports English, Hindi or Telugu. Used to configure Google Input Tools in the transcription step
  • scan: environment identifer
  • path: sequence of viewpoint ids indicating the path to be annotated
  • heading: starting heading
  • path_id: your path identifier


  • a pose trace (timestamped virtual camera poses, capturing the annotator's movements and everything they see along the path)
  • the audio file of the annotator's voice recording, and
  • the annotator's manual transcript of their voice recording.

Follower Task

In the Follower task, annotators begins at the start of an unknown path and try to follow a Guide’s instruction. They observe the environment and navigate in the simulator as the Guide’s audio plays. Once they believe they have reached the the end of the path, or give up, they indicate they are done.

Input Args (currently loaded from testdata/args.json):

  • audio: path to a Guide's audio recording
  • scan: environment identifer
  • path: a sequence of viewpoint ids (annotator starts at the first viewpoint)
  • heading: starting heading
  • path_id: your path identifier


  • a pose trace (timestamped virtual camera poses, capturing the annotator's movements and everything they see along the path)


In the RxR dataset, all words in the manually-transcribed navigation instructions are timestamped and aligned with both the Guide and Follower pose traces. In a future release we will provide tooling to perform this alignment automatically following the same approach as Localized Narratives.

Running locally

In order to simulate an environment, PanGEA requires a dataset of 360-degree panoramic images, plus navigation graphs encoding the position of these viewpoints and the navigable connections between them. To use the Matterport3D dataset, download the Matterport3D skybox images from here and the navigation graphs from here. Please note that the Matterport3D data is governed by the following Terms of Use. Alternatively, a different dataset such as StreetLearn could be used by writing a new dataloader class in data_adapter.js.

Assuming the data is saved in a directory as follows:


create a symlink to the data and start a local server

ln -s <data_dir> symdata
python3 -m http.server 8000

then browse to


Deploying remotely

Environment data hosting

To deploy a plugin remotely (i.e., for a genuine data collection effort), you'll need to host your environment data and javascript on a Google Cloud Storage bucket. The environment data file paths should be as follows:


In guide_plugin.html and follower_plugin.html, swap the argument to the Matterport3D function from ../symdata to https://storage.googleapis.com/<bucket_id>, and update the javascript urls beginning with ../src/ to point to the new location in your bucket.

Don't forget to grant your plugin read access and enable CORS.

Firebase integration

The Guide and Follower plugins are setup to use (1) a storage bucket to upload raw annotations (e.g., speech recordings and pose traces), and (2) a database to store and organize additional metadata (e.g., audio transcriptions). Both are setup using Firebase.

  • First, create an app from the console.
  • Go to the Storage tab and add a bucket. This can either be the same bucket used to host your data or a brand new one. We recommend the latter. Don't forget to grant your plugin write access.
  • Go to the Cloud Firestore tab and create your database. Don't forget to grant your plugin write access.
  • Firebase integration is built into examples/guide_plugin.html and examples/follower_plugin.html, but you'll need to make some modifications.
    • Set USE_FIREBASE to true.
    • Set FIREBASE_APP_CONFIG to the app config under the Project Settings tab.
    • Set FIREBASE_COLLECTION to the name of the database collection you want the plugin to write documents to.
    • And optionally set USE_GOOGLE_LOGIN to true if you want to authenticate the user via their Google account. This is useful if your rules only allow specific users to write to the database. Make sure to enable popups and redirects.

Your app config should look something like this:

  apiKey: "AIza....",                             // Auth / General Use
  appId: "1:27992087142:web:ce....",              // General Use
  projectId: "my-firebase-project",               // General Use
  authDomain: "YOUR_APP.firebaseapp.com",         // Auth with popup/redirect
  databaseURL: "https://YOUR_APP.firebaseio.com", // Realtime Database
  storageBucket: "YOUR_APP.appspot.com",          // Storage
  messagingSenderId: "123456789",                 // Cloud Messaging
  measurementId: "G-12345"                        // Analytics

Crowdsourcing platform

Integration with crowdsourcing platforms (e.g., Amazon Mechanical Turk) is left to the user. Currently, both examples/guide_plugin.html and examples/follower_plugin.html load the required metadata (e.g., the path to be annotated) from testdata/args.json. To deploy a plugin, args.json should be replaced with data from a crowdsourcing platform.