
Welcome to the Book Catalog App repository! This repository contains the Management Service and UI Service for managing and interacting with a book catalog

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Book catalogue App

Welcome to the Book catalogue App repository! This repository contains the Management Service and UI Service for managing and interacting with a book catalogue.

📂 Repository Structure

  • management-service: Contains the source code and configuration files for the Management Service.
  • ui-service: Contains the source code and configuration files for the UI Service.
  • README.md: Provides an overview of the repository and instructions for getting the services up and running.
  • run-book-catalogue-services.sh: Script to execute the book catalogue application (Both management-service & ui-service)
    • Execution Permissions: permission denied when executing script on Linux run this command: chmod +x run-book-catalogue-services.sh
  • run-management-service.sh: Script to execute the management-service
  • run-ui-service: Script to execute the ui-service

📚 Management Service

The Management Service is a Spring Boot application that serves as the backend for managing the bookEntity catalogue. It provides a RESTful API for performing CRUD operations on books and utilizes an in-memory database.

🖥️ UI Service

The UI Service is a Spring Boot application that provides a user interface for managing the book catalogue. It allows users to view, add, edit, and delete books. The UI Service communicates with the Management Service's REST API using a JAX-RS Client and generates web pages using Thymeleaf.

🚀 Getting Started


  • Java 1.8 or higher
  • Maven


  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/HoodLum-1/book-catalogue
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd management-service
  3. Execute the scripts for your operating system (Linux or Win)
  4. Access the UI by opening your web browser and navigating to http://localhost:8080.

📖 API Documentation

The Management Service provides API documentation using Swagger and Swagger UI. You can access the Swagger UI by visiting the following URL in your web browser: http://localhost:5000/swagger-ui/

The Swagger UI provides an interactive interface where you can explore the available API endpoints, view request/response models, and even test the API directly.

API Endpoints

The Management Service exposes the following RESTful endpoints:

  • GET /api/books - Retrieve a list of all books

  • GET /api/books/{id} - Retrieve a specific bookEntity by ID

  • POST /api/books - Add a new bookEntity

  • PUT /api/books/{id} - Update an existing bookEntity

  • DELETE /api/books/{id} - Delete a bookEntity

📚 Book Data

The bookEntity data consists of the following attributes:

  • Name
  • ISBN Number
  • Publish Date (dd/MM/yyyy)
  • Price (ZAR)
  • Book Type (Hard Cover, Soft Cover, eBook, etc.)

🌐 User Interface

The UI Service provides the following functionality:

  • List all books
  • Add a new book
  • Edit an existing book
  • Delete a book

💻 Technologies Used

  • Java
  • Spring Boot
  • Maven
    • In-memory Database (H2)
  • Swagger and Swagger UI
  • Thymeleaf
  • JAX-RS Client